Monday, March 16, 2015



Outlander in Iambic Tetrameter

By Denise Sevier-Fries

With lovely piercing eyes of Gold

A Lass just wed a little while;

Will Witness soon a Tale Untold

For Destiny must Reconcile.

Claire’s choice would never come to Play

It was not she, who thought to Leave;

Her heart was full that Fateful Day

No wish for Husband left bereaved.

The Night before they’d hid so well

To watch the Solstice Dancing Crones;

The next day Lost! For Ancient Spell!

She’d fallen through the Standing Stones.

She tumbled, spinning! Flash of Light!

Then back to Earth, she tried to Cope;

But guns and cries did give her Fright

Now Lost and Helpless, stripped of Hope.

Then Evil came and took its place

Before her stood a Deadly Foe;

A Wicked man, Beloved Face

A Secret buried long ago.

Then came a rescue! Clansmen fought,

The Scottish fighters, Fearsome bold;

She found a Love she never sought

Forever in her Heart to hold.

This Virgin Lad so sweet and brave

Did win her over, kept her Safe;

And then his Soul, to her he gave,

A fact that made for Others' Chafe.

The Era was so Magical

Where Nessie freely roamed The Loch

But there were those more Practical

Like Jamie, Laird of Lallybroch.

The sadist Black Jack Randall forced

The need for Claire and Jamie wed;

Which led for married Lass, of course

To Duty bound on Marriage Bed.

But Consummation was not all

That throve above the Revelry

A Revelation felt by all

Would show that They were meant to be.

And so the Frasers' lives did Blaze

Their journeys, Wondrous, still enthrall

Diana’s stories still Amaze

Her Spirit captivates us All.