Tuesday, March 21, 2017

THINGS THAT MAKE ME GO WTF?: The Unbearable Oddness of Being Part 4 (The Sam Heughan Beer Ads)

Sam Heughan riding a unicorn. WFT?

Sam Heughan playing poker with monkeys. WTF?

Sam Heughan dreaming of a headless plucked chicken with shoes playing hopscotch. WWWWWTTTTFFFF???

And Sam wears a cheesy handlebar moustache the whole time?

No...I have not been ingesting hallucinogens. (well, not knowingly. this year.) So, you see...it goes something like this:

1) Tennent's Lager, Can Monkeys


2) Tennent's Lager, Tents


 3) Tennent's Lager, Hugh's Pride


4) Tennent's Lager, Export


5) Tennent's Lager, Too Loud 


6) Tennent's Lager, The New Firm


7) Tennent's Lager, A Madman's Dream 


So...am I right? El Goofazoid? Exactly. Gotta love it.
(and if you have seen these before and NEVER TOLD ME...well, you just wait...)
*shakes fist in air menacingly*