Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Things are thinning over at Outlander STARZ, and it isn't the plot or Diana's patience.

Jamie is going bald!

Well, to be clear, it's Sam Heughan that is balding, not his character. Jamie seems to be having a record harvest of luscious locks. See the 2 pictures below for comparison:

"So what?" you may ask.

So what indeed.

I guess my issue is...why not let him go au-natural and BE bald, if that is what he is? Why the cover-up? Is it because the books have Jamie thick-haired, with waves of red testosterone flowing in the wind as he rides to save someone or something off in the distance? Is that it? They don't want to deviate from the books?

Excuse me for a minute. My best friend Ewan McGregor is over for tea and poppy seed crumpets. Let me ask him what he thinks about that...

Exactly my reaction as well.

So...if Starz are fine with deviations, and if Claire Randall Fraser can be 6 feet tall with blue eyes, a 16 yr olds ass and a few grey streaks, why can't Jamie age like many men do...and go bald? Sam has had to endure some fairly ugly wigs thus far and I would bet he'd love to burn them all. I know I would.

Is it that bald isn't sexy? Says who? This is 2017 people.... bald is badass! Let's see a few examples of some virile, sexy and manly men that don't need a melon-rug...

Sean Connery

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson

Patrick Stewart

Billy Zane

Graham McTavish

 Andre Agassi

Yul Brynner

and the sexiest of husband:

Don't you think then, that this is an opportunity?

Maybe this would be a good time to help make balding more we still see stupid commercials that make it seems like an embarrassing and shameful thing that men should go through expensive and probably painful transplants to 'fix', or 'hide' like this dumbass commercial suggests:

Come on Sam! You have a Cause already, fighting weight and exercise issues...why not take on male pattern baldness?

I have a feeling a LOT of women, and men, would be affected and educated and swayed... and what a wonderful way to embrace an issue not often talked about!

Be brave! Be Jamie!

And if you can't be Jamie, be Willy The Groundskeeper! He is a bald Scotsman ya gotta love!

And that's all I have to say about that.

There seems to be a backlash from fans who balk at the thought of a bald older Jamie. I find that an amazing Double Standard! The cry of 'Jamie isn't bald in the books so NO WAY!' and 'God nooooooo! He has a lot of hair in the books...!' ring loud and clear, but Caitriona (who, as I said before, is very tall, very slim, blue-eyed and has the ass of a 16 yr old) looks nothing like BookClaire (who is short, golden-yellow eyed, buxom with a fine fat arse) but fans just say 'She looks fine...she makes a great Claire! Her looks don't matter because she portrays her perfectly!'.

Can we all say 'hypocrite'? Why can Cait play an '*imperfect' Claire but Sam not play an 'imperfect' Jamie?
*imperfect for book-look-a-likes

Although I agree that Cait should be given leeway to be herself and just ACT like Claire...I believe Sam should be given the same consideration. No glued on, uncomfortable, hot'n'sweaty wigs that look like electrocuted foxes for him....but good-looking natural Sam ACTING like Jamie.

Now, THAT is all I have to say about that.


  1. I was hoping you would add Graham McTavish to that list. He's a bald hottie too :)

    1. I agree! HowdidImiss that? *facepalm*
      Added. Cheers!

    2. What does hair have to do with it? Sam is not going bald, just a receding hairline from those wigs! And the hair products.
      He's human. In the flesh Sam. Jamie is a character in a book, paper or imagination. If you want reality, ala Claire/Caitriona, let it be. Actually, I've heard the bald men are very virile. Hot to the top, so hot it gets singged.

    3. Alma Lou: I think Sam IS going bald, but, what? Let him. The blog is mainly about how bald is beautiful and should be celebrated, not hidden, especially with the excuse about 'well his hair is long in the book'. Starz doesn't follow the book much, so who cares? Thank for the comment... *smile*

  2. Graham McTavish can go bald, but Baby, keep that mustache!

    1. I agree...LOVE me a fine moustache! But Graham still looks good sans his soup-strainer... *smile*

  3. Replies
    1. Ah! A rare look at a male perspective. Why such a vehement NO! Marc?

  4. Sorry! I happen to find bald men quite handsome and very sexy too (have had crushed on several of the men in your list!). BUT not for Jamie! Jamie must have his gorgeous red locks to the very end...and beyond if be!I've in ghosts!! Sam will be a gorgeous baldy in his own time, but please don't mess with our hero's red locks!

    1. Thanks for the comment Nancianne: But let me tell you what I have been saying to others. The point of this piece is to show the hypocrisy of how the fandom was eager to embrace Cait as Claire, allowing for the vast dissimilarities between BookClaire and TVClaire, saying 'it's the acting that counts, not her appearance'...but don't say that for Sam. I think that is my main issue...and that balding is natural as we age and should be accepted and not hidden with shame. If Cait wasn't forced to wear fake yellow eye contacts (BookClaire's eyes were VERY important in the book) and wear fake buxom boobs, then Sam shouldn't be made to wear an uncomfortable, hot, sweaty wig. Yes, he has lots of hair in the books...but when there has been so much deviation already, why not a little more to save Sam from enduring crappy/itchy wigs? Just sayin'...

  5. Sean Connery was already wearing a toupee when he was cast as James Bond. I personally prefer the hair for Jamie Bond and Jamie Frazier characters but do think in the actors personal lives they should wear their hair as they like it.

    1. I hear you and agree to a point, but the point of this piece is to show the hypocrisy of how the fandom was eager to embrace Cait as Claire, allowing for the vast dissimilarities between BookClaire and TVClaire, saying 'it's the acting that counts, not her appearance'...but don't say that for Sam. I think that is my main issue...and that balding is natural as we age and should be accepted and not hidden with shame. If Cait wasn't forced to wear fake yellow eye contacts (BookClaire's eyes were VERY important in the book) and wear fake buxom boobs, then Sam shouldn't be made to wear an uncomfortable, hot, sweaty wig.

      But we can agree to disagree...fair enough. Cheers!

  6. Bald is smokin' hot - I'll take an excess of testosterone anytime! (plus, I think it's Graham's ears that are sexy, and they're set of by his fine strong dome)

    And the opposite is a rug (see Trump, Donald J)

    1. Damn straight Peigi! #Anti-TrumpRug *smile*

  7. I would put 3 more names on the list of charming bald ... Jason Stathan, Vin Diesel and the gorgeous Yul Brynner, in time "electrocuted foxes" was the best description .... LOL

    1. Angela: I agree with those choices...but went with the first ones I thought of. Consider them honorary members of the BBC (Badass Baldies Club) *wink* Thanks for the chat!

  8. How about prince William from England, he too is balding and a to Sam......I wouldn't mind so much, but I think that should be Sam's choice, as how he would like to portray Jamie

    1. Agreed on all points Bianca. I think Sam has suffered hair loss due to all that pinning and dye-jobbing and that is unfair considering the adjusted their Claire to fit Cait. Cheers!

  9. Ala natural is always my choice of dress, drink or , well you know. Don't wear built up shoes or boots either. Convinced my boss to get rid of his rug. His wife thanked me & it was about a year later they had twins. It's the brains that are sexy not the hair. πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ·

    1. Spot on Great-grandma! Couldn't have said it better myself.

  10. My husband is bald & sexy as all hell! I say bald is BEAUTIFUL! Sam/Jaime is gorgeous either way. I vote for natural Sam! πŸ‘πŸ»

    1. Right on Denise! (love your name btw *grin*) I think the Starz wigs should be burnt in a ritual Bald Rocks ceremony.... Cheers!

  11. As the wife of a husband who resembles Graham McTavish, I say allow him to go bald. It's good to remember that while the TV series is a very close adaptation to the books, it IS a separate entity in and of itself. All sorts of liberties have already been taken that enhance the whole Outlander experience. I like to think that the TV show is in addition to the book series--not an exact portrayal. Sam can be his own kind of Jamie just as Cat has been her own Claire.

    1. Barbara: you took the words right out of my mouth. Well said! Thanks for the excellent comment.

  12. There was an uproar over the deveations of Clare and who was selected to play her. There is no hypocity. But let's look at from a other view. If Jaime was written as a bald red headed scott, would you insist Sam shave his head or wear a bald cap?

    1. Mar. Thanks for the comment.
      Yes there was an uproar indeed when blue-eyed, tall n' slim Cait was hired...and rightly so. She looks like the exct opposite of BookClaire. That is why I think Sam should be allowed to go bald if he is naturally. They deviated so much form the book already, why not more? He may actually love his wigs and all the more power to him...but my piece was about why so many are horrified at the thought of a bald or thinning Jamie and the double standard that reveals. *and yes, if BookJamie had been bald from day 1, I think they should hire a bald man...but again, they deviate so much from the book already, it matters not.


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