In honor
of OUTLANDER, a series of books by a woman who has single-handedly made kilts
an aphrodisiac and Scottish history more entertaining than a Soap Opera, I give
to you THINGS TARTAN (*NOT PLAID, okay?). An eclectic collection of that
amazingly versatile and eye-catching artistry.
I was once
told the only difference between the words plaid
and tartan was that one rhymed with ‘dad’.
Incorrect! TRUTH: plaid is a garment, tartan is a pattern. Memorize this fact and WOW any and all who
say otherwise.
So, without further ado, here is my collection, inspired by my passion
and appreciation of Everything Scottish made real by the imagination, skilled wordsmithery
(yes, I can make up words…it’s my blog) and plain old great writing of Herself.
To begin, here is a wee, 6 inch cardboard cutout 'Pocket Jamie'...a must-have for any Outlander Fan. 6 inches is just fine.
And now, random entries:

Ageless Sean Connery! 

Scottish Ninja Team:

The Royals!

Ouch...huge tat! 
