*NOTE: Starz has countered this massive leak by posting them willy nilly all over YouTube, labeling them nonsense things like 'Elderly Couple Do Magic Tricks' or whatever just to throw people off, and they say it isn't Outlander at all...but WE know BETTER!
You'll see Sam and Caitriona undergo amazing make-up applications that took hours to perfect, and body-shaping prosthetics were brilliantly manipulated to make them look natural and OH SO REAL! You will see them look quite different from tape to tape but this is only due to their experimenting with different looks/ages etc...
And even though it will be hard to believe, I swear on the grave of my uncle's brother's sister's chiropractor's first cousin that these are authentic. But to be certain, I asked Diana to meet me for lunch and while we ate our quesadillas in a yellow submarine underwater in the West Edmonton Mall with her husband, their 6 dogs and their lawyer Bernie, she verified the following as THE true leaked tapes...and she was glad her fans will see how Off-Book the scripts were with Jamie and Claire traveling through The Stones, etc..., and why she worked so hard with Bernie to have these scenes deleted!
Let's see what crazyass ideas Ron had...and how Jamie and Claire have wrestled Father Time in Season 3:
1) In their 60's, Jamie and Claire try something new after a dare from their grandkids. Yes, they wore Attends adult diapers:
2) Jamie and Claire are 'discovered' and do a commercial. Jamie is still nervous around the 'magic of technology 'and fumbles his lines ...
3) They keep their great sense of humour with the WOOGIE BOOGIE MAGIC PENNY TRICK:
4) Jamie & Claire do the BOOGIE WOOGIE! They go through The Stones and Live in The Netherlands in this episode...or it could be Belgium. Or The Bronx.
5) Here we see Jamie and Claire entertaining the folks at a 'New Age Cèilidh' after years of making beautiful music together...
6) Bree and Roger give Jamie and Claire a computer for a gift; this is them trying to figure out how to use it:
7) Jamie driving:
8) Claire enters 'Britain's Got Talent' with her grandson Ian 'Nico' Murray VI (who is 6'9' tall, and that is why Claire looks short):
*NOTE: Jamie pops back stage after the show and boots Simon Cowell in the nutsack for condescendingly insulting his wife at the start of the show
10) And finally, Starz pretended to up make a commercial out of this Geezerlander scene...but like I said before...WE know better:
SO? Whadyathink?
I thought they overdid the lipstick now and then but otherwise, my favorite look was this last one at the end... so J&C. How about you? Hope you enjoyed this contraband collection of tapes and please...keep it quiet! I don't want to get into trouble for showing you these. Thanks.