The challenge was called Seusstivus and we were to ``to create and define a new Seussian word that best describes an element of your holiday experience.``
Two examples they used were as follows:
Twinkletanglucious: The way Christmas lights always come out of the box in a knot, no matter how carefully you put them away #CanadaWrites
Menorahmorph: The bizarre and wonderful shapes created by half-melted cheap menorah candles #CanadaWrites
SO...ignoring my plan of spending my day writing the next best seller, I wrote a couple Seussisms... then became COMPLETELY ADDICTED!
There are prizes, so wish me luck. Here are my entries:
Santasomnia: the inability to fall asleep Christmas Eve
faketreespreadaboriculture: spreading the branches of your fake Christmas
tree to give it proper shape after being squished inside its box.
Fruitcakequitous: finding only boring gifts everywhere you look
while last minute Christmas shopping
Throwthegamenopoly: games at Christmas where parents lose on
purpose to see the joy on their child’s face.
Underwhelmedgivitis: the fake smile frozen on the face of someone
who is pretending to like their Christmas gift.
Falalalalalalalalaryngitis: sore throat condition after singing too many
Christmas carols.
Bluesprucespringsteen: listening to The Boss’s music while
decorating the Christmas tree.
Boxingdaylateralepicondylitis: the
inflamed elbow condition experienced fighting the crowds for the
after-Christmas sales
Chestnutsroastingbyanopenfirehazzard: when your husband stands too close to the
fire after too much eggnog.
Felineornamentaldistress: the
frustration of yet another Christmas tree ornament broken by the cat
Voldemortgage: The bank
loan you must take out to take your kids to Harry Potter World for the
Mistletoethreesixtydegreeturnoff: the move
you make when you find yourself heading for an unwanted mistletoe encounter *Yes...I realize that it should be 180 not 360...but I was under pressure man! Give me a break! :)
Gunativity: the culture of putting
guns before religion and children (*I actually left this one out. The Sandy Hook inspired tweet was hardly funny)
Canadposttraumaticstressdisorder: the condition of having suffered the LONG
lineups at the post office before Christmas.
Showgirlsilverfantail: the long pieces of tinsel that hang from the
cats bum, like a dancer from Vegas, after ingesting, but failing, to completely
get rid of it.
Twilightheadedness: headache incurred after a back-to-back,
vampire saga marathon over the holidays
Gangnamstylepotroastsupper: when
your mother’s holiday roast tastes like horsemeat
Bilbobagginskeddadlemania: the unexpected journey teens take when they
hurriedly flee the table and escape doing the dishes after holiday meals.
Ladygagamaggot: how I felt when a half formed chick came out of an egg I was
using for our Christmas morning omelets.
Fivegoldenlordoftherings: after seeing The Hobbit, the inability to
avoid using LOTR references in any and all manners of speech or song during the
Great way to stimulate the brain. Now to learn how to STOP thinking about it! aarrgghh!

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