I think he may have been.
Was it an accident involving 'black ice'...or a heart attack? I say foul play.
I run the largest and BEST Outlander facebook page (OS) and I posited this theory that I wanted to share.
Being on #TeamFrank is a lonely place...but this may make you inclined to join...or at least give you pause to rethink what you thought you knew.
Here is my post...let me know what YOU think in the comments section below or on OS.
January 07/ 2017: OS Facebook Post
I think Frank was murdered.
If you have read 'Leaf' and know of his being an MI6 British Intelligence Secret Agent. (the same as 007) and of Roger's father's [Jeremiah] Time Travel experience etc... you will know that Frank was a loving, kind, thoughtful man who felt it all and suffered deeply for his part in trying to save his Country, and the lives of so many others, during the war.
You will know that even after 2 years of not seeing his Claire, he touched his ring lovingly when he thought of her. You will know that he may have had some inkling into the TT and this opens an important door into why Frank may have been protecting Claire and Bree (who are TT and therefore worth kidnapping and examining/using for evil) and why so many red herrings could be employed in the sad second half of their marriage-story together. It would serve Frank well to have Claire believe what she wanted and not get too nosy in his comings-and-goings and late night calls etc....
Any MI6 agent...and especially the top dog like Captain Frank Randall, would be privy to any danger Claire and Bree would be in and perhaps, just perhaps, he felt they were in grave danger when he wanted to take Bree away...KNOWING Claire would follow.
I think Frank was murdered.
If you have read 'Leaf' and know of his being an MI6 British Intelligence Secret Agent. (the same as 007) and of Roger's father's [Jeremiah] Time Travel experience etc... you will know that Frank was a loving, kind, thoughtful man who felt it all and suffered deeply for his part in trying to save his Country, and the lives of so many others, during the war.
You will know that even after 2 years of not seeing his Claire, he touched his ring lovingly when he thought of her. You will know that he may have had some inkling into the TT and this opens an important door into why Frank may have been protecting Claire and Bree (who are TT and therefore worth kidnapping and examining/using for evil) and why so many red herrings could be employed in the sad second half of their marriage-story together. It would serve Frank well to have Claire believe what she wanted and not get too nosy in his comings-and-goings and late night calls etc....
Any MI6 agent...and especially the top dog like Captain Frank Randall, would be privy to any danger Claire and Bree would be in and perhaps, just perhaps, he felt they were in grave danger when he wanted to take Bree away...KNOWING Claire would follow.
And perhaps he was killed trying to protect them. This is obviously just my speculation ... but one theory I am warming too.
He was too important in the war and was the first to reveal proof about the Nazi concentration camps which drove the Allied Forces more passionately than ever...and that made him enemies. And if he knew about Roger's father's TT...which he may have as he was the one who sent him on that mission, it would make him even more enemies and people who would want that info.
I think Frank deserves a noble death...one in which he died for the ones he loved...and I believe (hope!) DG will give him one.
Frank is a man that people think they know, but they don't... not even close. And I LOVE Diane for making this a mystery to us...but one I hope she solves for us! 

The base for this theory: for further reading on what other 'proof' I have that makes a solid holding for this theory, read here: OUTLANDER: Frank Randall's Lipsticky Collar, Hidden Love Note, Women Callers and Purported Affairs/Indiscretions/Confessions EXPLAINED!
I think you could really be onto something.
ReplyDeleteI love Claire and Jamie together.
But I can not forget that if Claire had not fallen through the stones and met Jamie, she and Frank would have been very happy. I think they would have learned and grown together.
Frank loved Claire even when she came back pregnant.
Frank loved Bree.
Thanks Ann. I know that Jamie and Claire need to be together....it's the basis of the Story after all...but I think Frank is vilified and he deserves much better. I don't even care if people admire and adore him like I do...just give the guy the benefit of the doubt and don't judge him so harshly! *sigh* *rant over* Cheers and thanks again for the comment. *smile*
DeleteSpoiler alert! I have to read these books very slowly. It appears I'm way off about Frank.
ReplyDeleteLisa: well...to be fair, it could be ME that is way off about Frank...but I try to present a fair debate regarding my POV and theories. Time will tell... *smile*
DeleteI really enjoy your writing. It is definitely my type of humor/sarcasm and such.
ReplyDeleteHi Dina...what a lovely compliment. Thank you. *wide grin*
DeleteI've never been anti-Frank. It was circumstance and those circumstances leading Claire to the man who truly was her soul mate to tear Frank and Claire apart. This wouldn't surprise me. It was a hard situation for all of them, and I think he truly did love her and TRY to make it work. As he said in one of the later books, he wondered if Brianna reminded her of Jamie and if she'd have forgotten otherwise. He always had hope they could make it work, I think.
ReplyDeletecanuck: *hello fellow Canadian...high five!*
DeleteI agree with you...he was always and forever madly in love with Claire, right to his bitter end and that just makes me unbearably sad for him. He was a god man with a bad rap who is vilified for no reason save that the author of his life has peppered the pages with red herrings and has left his personal story up in the air...for now. I can hardly wait for it to hit the ground running. Thanks for the comment. *smile*
It just occurred to me now that Frank was aware of Roger's parents story while honeymooning in that part of Scotland. He probably was aware that plane that Roger's dad was located by the standing stones at Craig Na Dun. He may have had some suspicions about what happened to Jeremiah MacKenzie as a TT, or developed a theory by the time Claire's disappearance. This brings up the possibility that in those 2-3 years of her disappearance he may have formulated some idea about TT, may have known all along she spoke the truth and that is another reason he kept her close to protect her and the babe. And may be that he uncovered some nefarious plot against Bri and sought to remove himself and Bri and head to the UK to solve, protect, uncover more facts about TT. That happened on the night of his death. I sense an excellent spin off novel here.
ReplyDeleteUnknown: 'spin off' indeed...all the possibilities makes one's head spin! *smile* My theory, yours and others like it all boil down to one thing: Frank was a Tragic Hero, just like Diana has said, and there is no disputing THAT.